May 31, 2012 | Leadership, Resilience
If you have thought or said any of the following, you are experiencing VUCA: “Time just goes too fast these days” “I’ve got too much to do” “My life at work is just crazed” “There is not a minute for me to think” “Nothing is clear or straightforward any...
May 30, 2012 | Innovation, Leadership, Resilience
If ever there was a glorious place to be last weekend, it was brilliant, sunny Pittsburgh, at the graduation ceremony of Carnegie Mellon University. In the week that Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook as a $115bn company, the School of Computer Science launched some...
Feb 28, 2012 | Leadership
For the past decade, I have had regular conversations with a woman who leads an academic department in a US university. She was a long time insider, suffering under the yoke of the previous leader, and was thrilled to be appointed chair of the department when he...
Feb 28, 2012 | Innovation, Leadership
Is Innovation in Your DNA? Are you one of those people who get excited by new ways of doing things? Or do you get frightened and prefer to stick with the tried and true? Does your organization constantly try to look around corners and change things pre-emptively, in...